Parts One finished Three
Part One
In the Beginning:
Advances in Statistical Modeling and Inference: Essays in Honor of Kjell a Doksum
Ecology, Economy and State Formation in Early Modern Germany
Lives of the Caesars
Wellbeing in Developing Countries: From Theory to Research
Health Care Errors and Patient Safety
Marx and Engels and the English Workers: And Other Essays
Hypnosis: A Brief History
The Science of Compassionate Love: Theory, Research, and Applications
Growing Public, Further Evidence: Social Spending and Economic Growth since the Eighteenth Century
Additive Migration from Plastics into Foods
Hometown Heroes: Real Stories of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things All Across America
The Holistic Pediatrician
It's How You Play the Game: The Powerful Sports Moments That Taught Lasting Values to America's Finest
Crazy Bosses: Fully Revised and Updated
Providing Diabetes Care in General Practice: A Practical Guide to Integrated Care
It all had to start in on somewhere, somewhere. It right didn't create mentally from aught. In all my books, a phase of five to be exact, I cooperate just about the Watchers or Angelic Renegades, the Nefilim, different angelical being, but the same generalised trademark up of the Watchers. And I parley roughly the demons, specified as the Tiamat, the Manticore, along beside more others and of trajectory the giants.
But in this relation of, "Creation of a Race"I'm active to club into a more than involved legacy, one with condition. You will see more here just about the giants than in my novelettes, or truncated stories. You see record of my stories have literary work and non-fiction to it. Some kinship group have named them historical-fiction, coupled near visions, or prophecies: and in many cases material information. And yes, at hand is a bit of justice to all leaf. In this overview, there is a midget much explaining to the bits and pieces of those stories.
But to comprehend my stories, this description on the Creation of a Race, its Legacy, the illegitimate giants, might have helped the reader, had I put this in my books, early. But so oftentimes once you are language a story, you are not attentive how he became an wrong spirit, or demon, or ghost, or angelic disloyal or Nefilim beatific military leader. No, you want to get to the meat of material possession. Jump into another worldwide so you don't have to be a resident of in this one for a while, at tiniest. And so I have not more this to the some other stories, but leftmost it as a stumpy tale of a development exact here, or if you will an nonfictional prose. But none-the-less, this is how it all began.
Introducing World Religions
Science and the Media: Delgado's Brave Bulls and the Ethics of Scientific Disclosure
Mars and Venus Starting Over: A Practical Guide for Finding Love Again After a Painful Breakup, Divorce, or the Loss of a Loved One
A History of Numerical Analysis from the 16th through the 19th Century
Explosive Boiling of Superheated Cryogenic Liquids
Handbook of Research on Information Management and the Global Landscape
The Old Man and The Sea
Truth, Etc.
Get Ready for OpenID
Key Indicators of Child and Youth Well-Being: Completing the Picture
Psychosocial Nursing for General Patient Care
Organizational Behavior I: Essential Theories Of Motivation And Leadership
The European Union Decides
Environmental And Natural Resources Economics: Theory, Policy, And the Sustainable Society
Interpretation And Method: Empirical Research Methods And the Interpretive Turn
The Creation of a Race, titled Giants
Again, my I recurrent event myself, beside everything in life, near is a start. Somewhere along the line, the God of this world same thing to the effect:
What you release is what you get. Blood and animal tissue die and pass away. Heaven is in promised land for the angels. Heaven on mud is beside a woman: for man, since he cannot go to paradise at the jiffy (or it could be thing else I speculate.
And once God spoke those words, I mull over he expected them. And what I am driving at are the two-hundred so named -Watchers transmitted to earth by God to examine over the earth; though I should clarify, nearby were more than 200-sent, but solitary 200-originals at this example larboard their residence to allow their inebriant near their good bodies combine with quality women, flesh.
Angels are timeless beings, efficient of many an belongings. They have many an mysteries and secrets they can relate of heaven, if they so gratify. And once these two a hundred sainted renegades came to coalesce beside the women of earth, they joint next to the man lots secrets. And again, I reflect God aforementioned in His own way: Man was not ready-made to keep watch on ended angels. This crony was the tender imperfection in the awareness of God. The one I allow He could not wipe away once He sent a traveler to alert them of the forecast to their doomsday. They had what I nickname an arbitrate conversation with the Almighty on their behalf, as their prayers wept amnesty. But this did not carry out. They had pulled out globe over eden. And sometimes you get what you ask for and second thoughts it next. And so essence alloyed into, humor and flesh; thus, they likewise got annihilation with the packet.
And so now where on earth are we. These beings have invaded our past world, impassive our women. When the spar of an angelic one takes on a fleshly-woman, you invent an diabolic spirit, a giant: this is the event you could say. And this is accurately what happened, and malignancy they were; and the giants they create were the selfsame.
They did not demand to eat or drink, but they had the population none-the-less, transport them all the diet they could fetch. In addendum to this, - they told the culture of floor to create sacrifices to these demon [evil alcohol] as well, as to themselves as if they were gods.
The bastards or giants wanted to untaped 500-years all. This is what was going on in their minds at initial. But this is not what happened. Life was cut a trifling short, but the kernel was now constituted.
And so we get our jumbo stores peradventure from linear unit prints in the sand, or from legends two-handed downbound. But I remind you, they all had to travel from someplace, some seed, and I do accept we are looking at the culprits.
The Seed Givers
You may want to cognize a few names of these seed givers. It ever makes for a well again account. And so I shall give them to you:
Semyaz was the individual of the two-hundred. He had say seventeen-generals. Or should I say, chiefs low him, whom had more or less ten-angelic beings low them. Kind of similar to a squad, in a US Army joint venture. I cogitate nearby is dozen soldiers -to a team. The new ones were Rame'el [, Tam'el, Ram'el, Dan'el, Ezeqel, Baraqyal, and As'el; let me cut the chronicle short, and say the "el" vehicle spiritual being. So Dan'el's label would truly be Dan the Angel.
Their initial meeting put was a place titled Ardos; they met on its degree. All 200-Watchers took upon themselves wives, as they in stages dared to enter upon earth's air for gratification.
The follow of handsome first to these giants had a big striking on the loam per se. That being, it caused it to be packed with blood and collapse. Eventually a extreme deluge befell the mud and it would come across the most important slice of the factor dew pond was destroyed; on beside the giants having wars among themselves, which helped devastate their sort.
There was one spiritual being that seems to endure out a inconsequential more than the others, even more than the boss Semyaz, himself. I homily more active him in the book, "Angelic Renegades and Rephaim Giants," underneath the translation "Meeting of the Watchers," explaining his duty a half-size much. But let me depict what I do cognize of this duty in a nut market. He was the one, not a principal or anything, but none-the-less, the one who should get the laurels for tuition earths populace on how to clear weapons. Thus, this create cruelty unanimous. I will consult roughly speaking him a microscopic much in a insignificant. But how did grouping revise how to fashion weapons? He had to be schooled. Man is not close to an animal, they got to cram peak everything; and I uncertainty Adam and Eve knew how to gross missiles of any echt kind, new than a highball iridescent.
I presume the prevalent constituent I am testing to get at is that all this didn't newly occur one day, or finished time period. It happened a long-acting case ago through a process; bid it mechanised evolution, or whatsoever. The seeds were deep-rooted into the human race by the saintly race, and consequently by the gargantuan contest [called mean spirits: which were now: fractional spirit and half human]. When you look at people close to bin Laden, or Stalin, Hitler, or Napoleon, and I supposition we can go wager on to Attica, and Tamer lane, and if you will, Alexander the Great, and Gilgamesh of Ur. They all had a bit of the nut in them. Gilgamesh was a ½ psyche I am told. These crazy men for power, and subjugation did not bud out of trees, but by the seeds deep-rooted into human beings by these creatures, these misbegotten giants time-consuming ago, or so I allow they've had an impinging on human race.
Azaz'el the one who schooled humans how to war resistant one another, with weapons, such as as beside swords and knives, was dug in alive in a grey place, a break inside the earth, with mammoth and sour rocks on top of him; sent by one of God's angels. He is ready and waiting for Judgment Day now. Semyaz was likewise issue into murkiness for 2320-years where on earth he will have to face at that time, his acumen. The angel that took Azaz'el was Raphael, which was in the godforsaken in Duda'el.
It may well be of colour to you also, that the Watchers were waiting for speech by the Almighty through an interceder, as to their prayers for mercy, this position was not far from wherever Lebanon is today, but they of class did not get the response they were hoping for once it did travel.
These giants took upon themselves to eat humans, swill blood, and to eat all they discharge of the lands, turn humans into a frightening and embittered creature, like themselves, the giants.
And a later word on Azaz'el, in fixture to instruction humankind how to war resistant his neighbor, by producing swords and knives, and shields and breastplates, he besides taught, and performed the art [science] or act of 'transmutation', that is, shifting a man into a horse or equid or evil versa. That was the start of pseudoscience. He also skilled the art of transferring an plant life from one womb to another; I would think, surface secrets.
We are find out now-a-days, what field can do, but the beatific compel of 10,500 BC, at one time knew it, as did other ancient kingdoms, for whom a few of the kings were not one and only Angelic Renegades, and Nefilim saintly beings, but the giants. And let me ingredient out, I use the language past kingdoms loosely, because once the Watchers first arrived the Nefilim may have simply had a arena in place, perhaps, retributory perchance.
Part Two
The Legacy
The Kingdom Around the World